Friday 7 October 2011

Death of Steve Jobs Tweeted the World, Created 10 000 Tweets per Second

Following the announcement of the death of Steve Jobs, millions of people around the world used their Twitter accounts to share messages of regret for the premature departure of genius and great visionary of Apple. And so was the host of the popular theme in the social network that this news has been generating 10 000 tweets per second.

Steve Jobs Died at 56
According to the Australian social network monitoring called SR7 , the death of Steve Jobs tweets exceeded BeyoncĂ© announcement about her pregnancy during the recent MTV Music Awards (which generated 8868 tweets per second).
It is known that on Twitter, its users typically generate approximately 600 tweets per second but, depending on what happens in the world, this number can change monstrously.
More than a day after the death of the founder of Apple, millions of people on Twitter are still remembering his legacy and mourn the departure of a memorable genius.

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