Friday, 20 April 2012

The Windows Store is Exported to 38 Countries

The application store of the future Windows 8 is accessible to developers of 33 new countries.

The Windows Store, the new application store for Microsoft's built in the next Windows, is now available for developers from 38 countries.

The Windows Store on the Launch Pad: 
Since the Consumer Preview Version of Windows 8 was launched, users of the first hour were able to discover Windows Store. As its name suggests, this is a virtual store of applications integrated with the operating system. It works pretty much the same way that the Mac App Store on Mac OS, iOS AppStore, Google or Play (formerly Market) Android.

For the launch of Windows 8 provided at the October happens in the best possible conditions and provides maximum opportunity for users, Microsoft has invited application developers to create their apps for this Store.

The launch of this store, the list of countries covered by this invitation was limited to 5. She now goes to 38 with 33 new countries .

At this time, we can already count some big names in the Windows Store of the French version of the beta of Windows 8. Boursorama, Screenrush, Dailymotion, Larousse, Le Monde, Marmiton ... already downloaded from this Store.

Once downloaded, these apps then appear in the new Metro-type form of bricks. As you can see from the first image in the gallery above ...

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Greenpeace accuses Apple of using "dirty energy"

The Apple of data center in North Carolina.


A report by the environmental organization leading the energy-intensive service icloud. Apple denies and contests the results of the study.


Relations become tense again between Apple and Greenpeace. The environmental organization, which has already forced the manufacturer of the iPhone and the iPad to remove toxic materials from its products, but now attacks the computer infrastructure of Apple. In a report released Tuesday (pdf ), it ranks among the dirtiest in the world with those of Microsoft and Amazon. "Apple is far behind Google and Facebook, taking the lead on this issue. It is a shame for a company that has built its reputation on its difference, "said a spokesman for Greenpeace.
With this report, the environmental organization wants to draw attention to a cause of pollution is still little known. To store and process the billions of data that travels over the Internet each day, the computer giants have built imposing "data centers", data centers that house thousands of computers each. This is what is known as cloud computing, or "cloud computing". However, these buildings require considerable power. "Some people drink the equivalent of nearly 250,000 households in Europe," Greenpeace points.
In recent years, these Internet players are engaged in a technological race to reduce the consumption of their data centers. But Greenpeace, this is not enough. Companies must also look at the type of energy they consume, just like Facebook, which "has taken the first step in the right direction with the construction of a data center in Sweden can be fully powered by renewable energy. "

The installation "the greenest ever built," says Apple

According to Greenpeace, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon are much less virtuous. They settle "quickly by not taking sufficient account of the type of energy, and relying heavily on dirty energy to power their cloud," that is to say, coal and nuclear, in the language of ecological organization. Apple, in particular, has invested $ 1 billion to create one of the largest data centers in the world, North Carolina, where the energy mix leaves a very small place in renewable (2.5%).
Apple quickly responded to these accusations . In a statement, the company revealed that its data center, when fully operational, in fact consume five times less than what Greenpeace has estimated, or 20 megawatts. It also suggests that its data center will be powered by 60% of renewable energy produced on site, thanks to a vast field of solar panels.The installation will eventually be "the greenest ever built," promises a spokesman.
According to the specialized site Data Center Knowledge , "Apple has clearly received a higher rating its energy from coal" if Greenpeace had used the figure of 20 megawatts, not 100. Side of the environmental organization, is welcomed on Tuesday evening that Apple is more transparent about its energy consumption. Amazon and Microsoft, also accused, had not yet responded Wednesday.


Saturday, 7 April 2012

Fat Burning Furnace review -permanent weight loss solution

Sometimes, diet and training are not sufficient to help you achieve your own weight loss goals. The body, skill level, so you're wondering why all your hard work will not be refunded. In such cases, it's almost all too easy to get rid of your current passion, but you can solutions be found to help you. Some of these solutions can Meratol. Buyers who choose Meratol complete product reviews to help them lose weight has additional options, as there is a much safer and more efficient to succeed in the real target required.If you get the weight as fast as possible, and never have to diet or exercise may want to use, the operation could be your best choice today. But what is very stressful and expensive, and the final results are expected to be short, if you do not need tags to keep your weight on the result.A crash diet is simply not practical, because as painful as the surgery, but it can be dangerous in the same way at high prices. If you are the true diversity you dare to try hypnosis, in many cases, at the same time, you could end up being flush your dollars down the drain.

To lose weight for a healthy approach, you have your body to a proper diet.  Fat Burning Furnace review  will not lose a few pounds of the chassis due to poor performances like pure magic - it works naturally with your body to get to where it starts to burn fat, and to have.

The main problem with weight drop is still being your ability to burn fat in check. When the metabolism is too slow, you will not discover leads to a well-timed manner - certainly not practical, as soon as you receive it, if your metabolism is shot on almost all cylinders. If you do not have all wondered how two people can have similar arrangements, we may be true, chubby, although several other simply does not work? The reason is to lose one who is not overweight is a metabolic process that is certainly on the beats, each of the excess calories they use, while others do not.Meratol interacts with your body and increases your metabolism specific to an office to which he can be properly adjusted in order to lose fat. As your system becomes robust metabolism, you will see a remarkable change, not only in your appearance, but also how you feel.

Prepared in accordance with feedback from existing customers Meratol for the Internet, delivers the product management legitimate weight loss. Fat Burning Furnace review many buyers that it was a good reminder weight loss, with her has helped many people achieve their health goals, as well as sports. Where the additional weight loss products clearly wanted to go left, there Meratol since their expectations.

Beat Eczema Review -Do Herbal Cures Really Dissolve Kidney Stones

Not only that, metronidazole and other drugs against BV facet normal impact of a yeast infection. And drugs are not even particularly for BV! They are used for the signs and symptoms, the smell of fish, thin, white or gray vaginal discharge, itching, etc. to deal with! Why something that has a huge margin of error and is not attributed to you? That will come in herbal treatments for Keep in mind that I'm not discrediting or making health care doctors for their work. You really lives, but when it comes to bacterial vaginosis, little honest about the real causes must be considered. Understanding the real thing entirely to physicians  Beat Eczema Review    science textbooks. They examine the sign and say, okay, I'd give antibiotics to help with the signs and symptoms, prescribe. Consider the acquisition is a cold and tissues of your doctor runny nose and that's it. What would it do?Work with Natural Remedy For a healthy attitude favorable psychologicalSerotonin is produced and discovered an important neurotransmitter in the brain. Together with other neurotransmitters, serotonin, to support AIDS drive traffic emotional well-being and vitality levels and patterns of rest, and urge for food.

Serotonin may also promote healing concentration, a good way of psychological thought, memory and alertness. Other neurotransmitters such as these types of dopamine, really particular hormones such as cortisol in maintaining balanced mood and feelings of trust and effective to get involved.Natural Treatments for Depression - Herbs to beat the Blues benefit Hypericum perforatum  Beat Eczema Review  This plant helps, harmony, mood, and stabilize the chemicals in the brain. St. John's wort works in harmony to your mood so that your emotions unhappy and depressed than not "come to feel good" side of your brain. Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) - Passiflora plant is soothing and moderation. It helps calm the emotions of excitement and anxiety that are often associated with depression.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Heartburn no more review -Experience And Reviews About Refluxamine

Heartburn happens to many of us often as we like to admit. Find the elusive cure is of paramount importance when pain strikes, it is often natural remedies heartburn as the longest lasting solutions for heartburn are no more.The sweets we used to indulge lost its appeal to know that we must face the consequences later. Popcorn and lemonade in the film slowly move the "no" list as well. As we age, we find things more and more that we can not enjoy, and only a few possibilities, of course, to help relieve the symptoms. With that in mind, below you will find different options to help control heartburn naturally. We do not have that control.Besides the obvious benefits of avoiding foods known to cause heartburn, you will be happy to know there are other ways to help these symptoms. First, you want a stomach to keep a diary. Keep track of everything you take during the day and hour of each. Know your symptoms of heartburn and you get an idea of ​​what actually caused the problem more. If food does not seem to be the main factor to examine the stressors in your life. Are you planning your own wedding only daughter?  heartburn no more review  payments on time? Initiation of a promotion at work happens again and again? These can also be triggered by the production of stomach acid increased. Reduce stress and chances are your stomach will thank you.

If your stress level is fine, you can try 2 or 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water before meals. This is to raise the pH in the stomach, causing acid bad, symptoms of heartburn. You can also try different organic teas such as chamomile, peppermint, ginger or hibiscus. Organic herbal teas are said to aid digestion and heartburn.Baking powder is another way to neutralize the effects of stomach acid. A single teaspoon in a glass of water mixed can ease your pain. Be careful though, because the drink bubble, you can burp and allow the passage of acid into the esophagus causing more pain.

You want to sleep with the head at about a 30 degree angle from the bed. You can do this by using a wedge pillow or placing something under the feet at the head of your bed to elevate it. Lying flat causes the stomach to put unnecessary pressure on the sphincter of the esophagus, the opening of the esophagus into the stomach, so that it goes a passage for food and acid back instead of going down to stay. Raising your head is several inches may help alleviate the problem. Remember do not eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime and. You want to completely digest as much as you can before going to bed, so that stomach contents and less acid production, disrupt your sleep.You can visit your health food store for more suggestions on prevention and treatment of heartburn and when it does, or persists for more than twice a week, we recommend a visit to your office suppliers primary care. Further tests are necessary to ensure that there is no fundamental problems that must be addressed.There heartburn, many natural remedies on the market for you to try and find inexpensive treatments can be offered in your own home here.

There are also excellent programs such as natural  heartburn no more review  There is no reason for you to suffer any longer.

BV cures review -Some Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Remedies

Non-compliance of the offer antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis has been in natural healing methods BV is carried out preferably by a number of women. Bacterial vaginosis natural cures are purely on natural ingredients that do not produce harmful side effects. These methods generally cure BV enhance our natural immune system and equip the body fight the infection itself. In this article I will discuss some alternatives in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. There are some preventive measures you can take to avoid infection in check.Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties and is a very effective remedy BV. The important thing to note about the use of this oil is diluted properly with water before use. Remember, it is dangerous to take the tea tree oil. The direct application without dilution with water can also cause irritation.

Pasteurized yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, are the bv cures review   bacteria in our vagina. Yogurt is one of the oldest natural healing methods and is very useful to quickly restore the vaginal flora. To use this remedy with BV plain, making unpasteurized yogurt. Alternatively, you can also acidophilus pills.How to reduce your risk of contact BV? By adopting the following preventive measures can cure BV will greatly reduce your chances of getting this infection

Avoid hot and masking vaginal odor stay away from perfume sprays deodorants and soaps. Maintain good hygiene by washing the vagina twice a day with plain water a bond with a partner and always use condoms to reduce the incidence of bacterial bv cures review .In addition to the above are natural methods of treatment of bacterial vaginosis, there are many more that bv cures review  found by scouting the Internet. Especially for women with recurrent vaginosis, bacterial vaginosis natural remedies are the best option to treat bv cures review well.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Fat Burning Furnace Reviews - The Best Book on Fat Loss I've Ever Read

There are so many weight loss programs out there that the choice may be a bit overwhelming. But to lose weight successfully, a program exactly what you are to keep you on track to lose weight need. For more information on specific programs, about Fat Burning Furnace read reviews, so you can all the details on what it offers and also whether this is a good program that will work for you.The Fat Burning Furnace program is a program that can be easily downloaded online. It focuses on information about two things: a training plan and diet. The purpose of these plans are designed to help remove all your unwanted fat and convert it to maximize lean muscle mass to help you get the amount of calories you burn. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you will lose every day.

What makes this   Fat Burning Furnace review  special is that it is not long cardio workouts that are used more. Instead, concentrate on strength exercises, the short but intense as it builds muscle mass faster. These workouts are only 15 minutes long and must be reached only three times a week, which is perfect for those who have busy schedules. No matter how busy you are, you can certainly still good to keep fit.

The diet of this program consists of opportunities to reduce body fat and maintain muscle mass, which is built with your workout by eating certain foods. Basically, the promotion of a healthy balanced diet, rich in value, dietary protein, fats and carbohydrates, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and found belong. You will receive information about the foods you should avoid, and what you should eat a lot.What's good with this program is that it is not only focus on fat burning, but it's also about maintaining a healthy body. It is to follow a perfect plan, because it is simply a healthy lifestyle with physical activity and healthy eating. If you want to feel good and look good, it is certainly a plan, you should consider.

When examining  Fat Burning Furnace review , you will learn more about this program and the experiences of others to get to their goal of weight loss. Fitness is to find a simple routine that you are happy. This program can certainly provide that, but you should do more research to really find a plan that suits you best to help you reach your desired number.Navigate to your desired weight with notice of fat burning Browse ovens, which are certainly help you overcome obesity. All you need to know easily with the elimination of fat, is high in this page.
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